As a child, I always had a fascination with creating and manipulating images. I found myself pouring over magazines and posters, trying to figure out how they were made and how I could create something similar. It wasn't until middle school that I discovered the power of photo editing software. My friends would send me pictures they planned to post on Instagram or Tumblr, and I would spend hours tweaking and adjusting them until they looked just right.


But it wasn't until I picked up a camera for the first time in the summer before my freshman year of high school that I truly found my passion. I started taking pictures of my friends at the skatepark and I quickly realized that photography was a way for me to capture the world around me. I could express myself in a way that words couldn't.

By the time I reached high school, I had developed a deep love for what I like to call "dark art." It allowed me to explore the darker corners of my mind and express the emotions that I struggled to put into words. Everyday after school, I would take the bus up to the city and spend hours walking around with my camera, capturing the raw beauty of the world around me.


It wasn't easy, of course. As someone who has never been in touch with their emotions, I often found myself struggling to convey what I was feeling through my art. So here it is, welcome to the depths of my mind.